
Dual Studies Supply Chain Management

I am part of Goldschmidt

© Tom Schulze


Dual Studies Supply Chain Management

Hannah has been a Dual Student in business administration, specializing in supply chain management in industry and trade, since 2021. After a trial day at our location Elektro-Thermit in Halle (Saale), she chose Goldschmidt as her practical partner.

I decided to do a dual study programme because the field of supply chain management is very interesting and varied. I particularly like the fact that the study model combines theory and practice. I can link theoretical examples with practice, experience different areas in the company and better understand company processes.

I am particularly looking forward to the global supply chain management and distribution and logistics modules. Since Goldschmidt is internationally active, the global aspect is particularly interesting for me. I am curious to see what special features there are abroad. In distribution & logistics, we deal with the organization of transport. I think I will be able to link a lot with practice.

In terms of future prospects, I see many areas of application for myself with this degree. For example, I can later work in purchasing, shipping logistics, the order centre or warehouse logistics.

I particularly like the working atmosphere at Goldschmidt. My colleagues are very helpful and take time for me. They are happy to answer any questions I have and explain work processes to me. I also like the diversity in the company in terms of departments, products, activities and locations.