

I am part of Goldschmidt

© Tom Schulze



Tina joined Goldschmidt in 2012. She already completed her training at Goldschmidt Holding in Leipzig as an IT specialist and since then has been working as an IT System Coordinator. In this role she is mainly responsible for global user management and client management in the German group companies. She recently completed a part-time training in Business IT Management.

As an IT System Coordinator I manage the worldwide users of our IT system and applications in the area of user management. I also support my colleagues in Germany in the area of client management, e.g. with the roll out of updates. In addition, I provide support on many subjects concerning hardware and software. My work is very varied. Every day I work in a number of different areas and face new challenges. This also requires me to be completely up to date with IT matters. I regularly work within new application environments dealing with the various systems operated by our group companies and so my work is never boring. I especially like the daily contact with my colleagues from around the world. I frequently come across new questions for which I am happy to find a solution.

At Goldschmidt I particularly like the cooperative and almost family atmosphere. At the company I experience a relaxed working atmosphere and good cooperation between the different departments both locally and on a worldwide basis. In addition, opportunities are offered for further development. I have already been able to take part in some training courses. I was also able – with the support of the company – to complete part-time training as a Business IT Manager.